Over 17 years of acting career
Ecuadorian-Colombian actor, director, and audiovisual producer with nearly 18 years of professional experience in theater, film, TV, and web.
Theater Directing
Directed plays: “La batalla después del medio día,” “Anita no es huerfanita,” “Los sueños de Avelina,” “El abuelo Tortuga,” “El Grinch,” and his own works mounted with his students: “Retorno,” “Hilo,” and “La Hecatombre.”
Theater Acting
Raza Q ́eche-Play “La Parca Peregrina,” Quito Tierra-Play “El Saxofonista,” Distopico teatro- Play “Aquí no paga nadie,” Confundamiento- Plays “El corazón delator” and “Una historia violenta,” Chimilingos teatro para guaguas- Play “Travesura en navidad,” El Telón Microteatro- Plays “Eugenia escribe su propia historia de amor” and “Doble versión,” MicroUIO- Play “Los siete días,” Teatro Mutante- Play “On y Off,” Cat3izarArte and Magmateatro- Plays “Frankenstein,” “La hija de la luna,” “Orgullo y Prejuicio,” and “La importancia de llamarse Ernesto” at the Teatro Victoria, El Experimento (Karina Cárdenas) .
Tv Series
“El caminante” (180 grados), “Vida de Artista” (Urbano Films),“Caribbean coke King” from the series “Locked Up Abroad” (National Geographic), “Si Se Puede” (Ecuavisa). “Seis” (Cámara Oscura)
Video Clips
“Nothing Is Real” (Fran Sepulveda), “Libertad” (Sepia), Sirena Voráz (Gabino Torres), “Soldadito Tuyo” (Kevin Granja), “Me descontrola” (Jona Jow).
Web Sketches
“Si Hollywood Estuviera en Latinoamerica-Matrix-Back to the Future” (EnchufeTv), “Taller del Diablo-Celebridades” (EnchufeTv), Sketches Varios (Metamorfosis Social).
PuraCrema, BMI Ahorro, Publicidad Encamara Foto y Video, Banco de Loja, FondVida.
In 2020, he created his theatrical-audiovisual monologue “Al sombrerero se le escapó el tiempo” and devised and was part of the cast of “Volver a lo mismo” – a parody of “Back to the Future”.
Retorno (Theater-2012)
Hilo (Theater-2013)
La Hecatombe (Theater-2014)
Music Video Directing
Directed the music videos “Contigo” by Fernando Pacheco and “Nothing is Real” by Fran Sepulveda, the latter winning the MBN 2017 award for best music video with an environmental and social concept.
“Sangre Dulce” (José Zambrano Brito), “La Mala Noche” (Gabriela Calvache), “Volver a lo Mismo” (Pancho Viñachi),”Al Sombrerero Se Le Escapó el Tiempo” (Franco Falconí), “Tesoro En La Mitad Del Mundo” (Cesar Carmigniani), “Romanticismo y Fracazo”, (Ana Cristina Franco).
Short Film
“Let Go” (Franco Falconí, Michelle Rojas & Esteban Araque), “Frenesí” (Chano Mora) Sebastien “Welcomeback” (Tiffany Kontoyianis). “Temple Del Viento” (Franco Falconí & Diego Herrera), “Despedazados” (Peter López), “Flores Secas” (Andrea Miranda), “Los Fritos” (Juan Diego García), “Dos Cabezas” (Juan Carlos Alulema), “Dueles” (Astrid Paz), “Agonía” (Martín Pesantes), “Los Caramelos Siempre Dulces” (Pamela Noboa), “USB” (Santiago Proaño),
Other Experience

Contributions to Education, Social Responsability & Teaching
11 years of experience as an acting teacher for theater and audiovisuals in academies, schools, colleges, and universities. Currently, teacher at EIFA (Integral School of Arts). Participated for 6 years in the environmental education project “Aprender Jugando” by “Entrópico Artes Visuales,” using theater as a transversal axis for all areas of knowledge in basic, diversified, and advanced cycles.
Ha realizado intervención comunitaria a través de dinámicas teatrales para abordar temas de riesgo y salud en varias ocasiones. Ha realizado diversas “intervenciones performáticas” para la “conciencia social” en espacios públicos de Quito.
Founded the company “Nanoteatro,” primarily focused on educational programming, actively involved for 3 years.
He studied Mass Media Communication at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, also pursuing a minor in performing arts. He delved into acting techniques with mentors like Wolframio Sinué (Ecuador), Christoph Baumann (Germany); Norma Angeleri (Argentina); Steven Ditmyer (United States); Boyan Ivic (Spain); Anton Valen (Spain), and Roberta Brown (United Kingdom). Acting Tech studies at IAVQ in Quito.